Deer & Thunder
Indigenous Ways of Restoring the World, Second Edition
A must read for those who want to find a connection to nature and our earth by better understanding indigenous wisdom.
Deer & Thunder invites us to delve deeper into becoming wise inhabitants of this precious Earth.
Continuing with the work begun in Arkan Lushwala’s first book, The Time of the Black Jaguar, Deer & Thunder is a book of teachings rooted in the ancient times. Arkan, an Andean ceremonial leader and a devoted servant of the Earth, powerfully presents us with the wisdom of his ancestors to address the compelling questions of our times. He shares profound indigenous wisdom, and offers us a way to stop the destruction of our planet, making emphasis on the healing of its waters. What can we do to repair the damage we have done to Mother Earth? Arkan is clear. There is a more powerful question: What can we be?
Deer & Thunder shows us the way to remember what it is to be a real human being. It shows us the way to return to our true home, our true nature, the place where we are one with the Earth and capable of nourishing all that lives. According to Arkan, technological changes toward cleaner forms of energy production are important, but not enough. Humanity must undergo a shift in consciousness. In order to continue living on this beautiful planet, our modern cultures need to cultivate a mind and a heart that make the protection of life an incontestable priority. Indigenous cultures offer clear references for this urgent work.
...a beautiful expression of storytelling that transmits ancestral teachings and preserves their spirit.